Retail & Business

Today’s retail environment is one of the toughest many of you have experienced. Ecommerce, expanded competition, deep discounting, consumer confidence; so many factors are impacting today’s consumer.

A global impact of reduced spending on fashion, with more emphasis on food and beverage, travel and entertainment. So how do you renew your business to avoid the decline or stop the decline?

We will review your current business maturity to determine where you are in the business cycle

We evaluate your current business health

  1. Profitability
  2. Negative EBITDA
  3. Evaluation of financials to determine expense savings


  • We reviews your Customer segmentation and resultant match to services and products offered
  • We review the productivity by location
  • We conduct a gap analysis of your business versus competitors
  • We will help you determine risks of today and future based on current business strategy and health of company
  • We interview senior management to understand the concerns, pain points and challenges
  • We interview mid-management to understand their perspective on the health of your company and where are the pain points
  • We interview HQ staff, store managers, and lower level staff to gain their perspective on the company and customer’s viewpoints
  • Where appropriate we conduct Customer surveys to gain first-hand knowledge of their perception. Up to 300 surveys.


Please contact us for further requirement and information :